Monday, November 8, 2010

Opinion de los 5 secreto de Mario:

1- El pircing en la lengua o es un deseo negado q la lengua no ha podido lograr. O #2 nu hubo nadie q te lo pusiera en el pene.
2- Tatuaje de los vichos, la verdad q se te van a deformar cuando ya la piel de bebe q tenes se haga como nalga de viejito. Pensalo
3- La verdad q a toda la gente nose le olvida tu cara porq todos tenemos un tio , amigo, hermano con cara de bolo. O te conocen por lo del sex shop.
4- La verdad el profe no es q no te reconocio, se hizo el maje. BTW no la hubieras cerrado, hubieras abierto sucursales y yo me hubiera ido de social capitalista.
5- Dejate de ondas q te da miedo por marica, y deja de poner el pretexto de tus hijos.. Nota seria : “ es cierto lo de los hijos por eso hay q cuidarse por lo menos hasta q el pequeno cumpla 18 y despues de eso abri la sex/tattoo shop…

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Is not that I don’t want to be with her, so I can help with the heavy load, is my anger towards her lightness of her situation, yes it infuriate me, the peace how she is handling all this…
I would be crying, being mad with the world, and asking why me and why now? but not her , she doesn’t even want to ask for a little company , not even over the phone.
I always wonder how people that goes to this process had the strength to suffer with a smile in their faces and in their hearts, my first reaction was numbness and then sadness and at the end totally madness, because I always consider myself a strong person in anyway possible, and this was not happening directly to me so why I can not handle it?, why is so hard to grab the bull by the horns, that is my slogan for my problems or obstacles in life, head on, and this was a low and soft blow I could not handle…
I was reading last night one book, and this stayed with me even in my dreams, “we come to earth to be happy and feel and give love”, how can we expect to learn and accept happy when horrible things happened in the world and to our love ones?, so hard, isn’t life a bitch.
I just want to learn to handle this that is happening in me , anger is in me right now, and anger towards her, I know is wrong but that is the way im feeling , hopefully I can cope with this like everybody that goes through this do. I just want to smile and breath without pain.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I have been going crazy, lets say it better in a crazy path of nothing! It so hard to see the real “path”, or walkway if you want to call it that, is so dark ,but not dark enough to loose my self in it. Is like been on the beach strand you can feel the cement on you feet, hear the waves of the ocean, and smell that salty fresh smell, and there it is that thick and cold cloud just when you try to see the waves and the path in front of you and is not completely dark is that time of the day when the sun already set but you see all grayish, like I said not dark enough, but still make my sight blind in a way, feel the cold of the breeze, I was ok a moment ago, now that panic inside me staring to come out , I have goose bumps , but I realize in a second is not the cold weather , starts from the tips of my fingers and my toes , and my stomach start to feel heavy, like a just been punch on it. OHHH come on what the hell is going on with me? I was ok a minute ago , to many feelings at the same time, why a can’t see what my bright path is , so I can get out of this dark cloud around me?, I want to but I can’t move …. So hard is easy just to let my body endure this crazy feeling, it doesn’t hurt is just a empty cold feeling, but would I get out of this when I want to or I would grow with the time with no more feelings in me, like nice feelings or feeling at all? should I fight what I believe I’ve learn from my love ones to fight to stay happy?, or just let it be, I can’t say is giving up, is just that I’m tired I just want to rest for a few minutes, or hours, days ..Not sure, I just want to let this cold and still feeling carry me for a while, like I once said, go we the flow, not pushing it in the opposite way, just let it be, easy I can breathe without hurting, let the moist in the air breath for me, let the sound of the waves carry me to my destiny, let the gray light be my heart, I just want to pause for a moment, just the exact time I need to recharge and.. don’t want to think anymore.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Somos Necios!

Que necios y ciegos son los hombres, bueno hablando de aquellos que andan buscando a la mujer perfecta en medidas de cintura y senos, y no se dan cuenta que en rimer lugar eso es superficial y para muchas se acaba con el pasar del tiempo.
Porque ven a estas mujeres interesantes, y digo VEN porque no toman el tiempo para conversar con ellas, no saben que valores tienen, que es lo que quieren en la vida, o por lo menos si saben que es lo que se ven hacer en un futuro...
No digo que no hay mujeres que tienen toda las cualidades por fuera y por adentro (inteligencia y sentimientos), son escasas, pero hay hombres que veo que son buenos y se topan con mujeres que no quieren nada enserio o formal mejor dicho, no estan preparadas y es entendible, asi que es el que quiere algo enserio el que debe d ser el maduro en eso , o el inteligente y no dejarse ir por el momento de juventud o torpeza como dijera yo.
Tambien vemos a las mujeres buenas que se topan con hombres desgraciados que abusan mentalmente y fisicamente de ellas, y se van y regresan es el circulo vicioso hasta que terminan locas, muertas o en la carcel... Triste.
Otras son unas cabronas que no piensan en que destruyen la vida de buenos hombres, solo les interesa cuanto dinero tienen, que carro manejan, que beneficio sacan de esa relacion, exprimen al susodicho y si se les presentan otra oportunidad mejor dejan al hombre como un pedazo de envoltorio usado y ya. They move on..
Esta la otra mujer y es cierto es la otra, la que se mete con el casado, no tiene escrupulos, ni valores , ni nada, no tiene nada que perder solo ganar, le saca al hombre casa, carro y se deja embarazar para poder sacarle mas, cria a los hijos para poderle sacar al padre mas cosas $$$.
Esta el hombre que ama a su esposa , pero TIENE que tener mas mujeres por todos lados, bueno tiene el dinero y la fama para poder mantener mas de una y porque no pues, eso es un macho., Mas no sabe que todas lo enganan con el jardinero....
Al final de todo son pocas las parejas que estan juntas por las razones correctas, y la mayoria de las relaciones son una mentira y lo hacemos para poder jodernos uno al otro y crear un mundo de pura hipocrecia.
Somos necios, y no queremos entender lo basico de la vida con respecto a relaciones.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Shitty Day

Good morning, maybe NOT!!!
Days that make you feel like shit, like this one , today, yes this is one of them...
woke up feeling like shit
pain in my stomach or lower stomach , I don't know anymore I just need to pee, and still tired wanna stay in bed few more minutes, Hours just not stand up and smell the fucking roses...
but i had to if i don't want to pee in my bed... so there I go , after that wash my hands while I see my face in the mirror , who the fuck is this ???? Yep is me overweight, old, puffy eyes, smudge make up, dry lips, you get the point!
I see my face but is not really me at least i don't remember looking like this, my self esteem it was way up high last night , so its a surprise to see this, this face . A face that can tell stories about disappointments in her life, acne stories, countless sleepless night, alcohol, smoking, chickenpox, drugs, lots of shit..... this skin couldn't take it anymore. Years had pass and I couldn't tell i felt them, but my face and body could tell.
Ouch , now my body it was aching from a bad posture, the bed, weight, etc. I don't really know , maybe "everything of the above", can I blame pregnancy in all this?, but I see a lot of woman that had a litter of kids and not overweight, no stretch marks, happy, LIFE IS SO UNFAIR!, that was my thought in that moment. Or let me blame it on my mattress , damn it, my back ouch.....
body is complaining, my muscle, haven't seen healthy tissue in a while, no exercise. I don't eat "healthy" anymore , i did when I was a teen, and is been a long time since that healthy period, Ohhhh and don't let me start with my period, i wont go there.... HATE IT!, but if you don't get it or either you're pregnant , or getting old, I have a new though you don't want to get pregnant so you use that shot and your period disappear completely after of course , a few dosage of hormones, the bad side effect of this is that or you die from a heart attack, or you gain like 60 lbs,but you wont get pregnant.
What a shitty day , at least this morning part when you look yourself in the mirror and see your life has past you by and screw you while at it.... GOOD MORNING!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Depresion, estado en el que estamos concientes o estado de pretexto para llamar la atencion , como q ahora, le llaman un desbalance quimico en nuestro cerebro y en epocas pasadas eran babosadas que la mujer se inventaba para hacerse la sufrida.
Ahora hay medicamentos para aliviarlo o mejor dicho curarlo;, no hay pretexto para sentirte deprimida, pero que jodido que hay tantas contradicciones en el asunto de las medicinas antidepresivas, que pueden llevarte hasta el suicidio , si en primer lugar es para lo que te las estas tomando para no quererte suicidar.
En la epoca que vivimos estamos llenos de contradiciones, creamos soluciones para problemas que en primer lugar nosotros mismos creamos, adonde esta la evolucion en todo esto?.....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Letter to Love

Letter to Love:

Really, I just wanted to tell you that I think you are complicated, selfish, hypocrite , conceited , and all the bad names any written and spoken language can give you, Yes my Love, first, you come to me in this sweet and interesting fragrance that I can almost taste, but I can't .
Then I get close to you and you make me wait for you to make sure I am the one you're looking for, come on, really? takes me days to fall for you and years to forget you.

Love you've been hurting all of me. Don't play anymore, just be honest. I really don't believe you can, you hide behind flowers, chocolate, romantic music, beautiful smiles, honey eyes, etc. Yes the list can go on and on....
Why do you make me like you? then just let me go "for our own good" what the hell does that mean????
Some friends tell me that you are loyal, that you truly respect me and accept me for who I am. I think you show me your love face and is just lust what is really inside you.
I don't think is all that bad, but anyway, see I lost it right there, even writing about your face comes and goes.
I didn't pass the test of survival , I know that I have to surrender to you but it's hard to let go of what I've been taught over the years, and also I think you just want me to be stronger, but I can't, I'm weak and scare to give you all I am, I know your not asking for that , but sometimes I have the feeling that you will one day ask for it.
What I'm feeling is horrible, not having you drives me crazy but I know this will help me to know myself better and that's a good thing, a very good thing, I've been lost for a while, even long before I met you, yes, sorry I didn't tell you before , again my fears of expectations, so It was a good thing having you for a while, I've learned that hate is not good for my soul, it will destroy my stomach, (Stomach Ulcers are really painful), and my poor lungs are starting to fight against all that smoke I've inhaled, is enough with all the contamination we already have on planet earth,
OK, I'll let you go now, hope we can be friends and maybe someday I will be ready to have you once again.
Stay true to yourself , I know I will......

your friend


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Complicaciones... porque los seres humanos nos gusta las complicaciones?, Sabemos lo que queremos y sin embargo nos vamos por el camino mas complicado. Sera esta lo forma natural de actuar?, creo q es parte del ego q nos hace querer llamar la atencion, no solo de los demas sino de nosotros mismos, el sentir lastima de nosotros, o sentir la necesidad de atencio, todo se va al mismo punto , al EGO , necesita alimentarse de complicaciones, lastima, odios, etc.
Complicaciones... Innecesarias.